Our Transformed program provides assistance to individuals and families that are working to overcome substance abuse and addiction.  

We arrange rehab/detox and then provide aid and guidance during the transition back into the community.

It is our belief like these individuals get thrown into a post rehabilitation cycle due to the lack of proper guidance and assistance.  They struggle to gain employment, often because of a revoked license causing issues with transportation, however, to reinstate their license, they have fees they cannot pay, warrants that need to be addressed and they cannot pay for these things because of the transportation issue causing employment issues.   They struggle with lack of job training, employment gaps, and various other financial hindrances.  Most of their families have written them off or they do not have access to the proper tools or knowledge to help the addict in the right way.   

Detox and Rehabilitation facilities are vital; however, those services alone, very often do not address the very serious need the addict faces when released back into the community. 

This cycle of events often leads these individuals back into substance abuse, cause divorce and even cause homelessness. 

Our program is structured in steps to promote success in not only sobriety but in a lifetime of stability and purpose.  

Our program offers housing assistance,  court/fine assistance, credit and budget counseling , parenting classes, marriage counseling, we also have local partners that we work with to provide employment opportunities, and we provide daily/weekly Bible study and healthy camaraderie.    Our clients are required to volunteer in one of our quarterly community service projects.   We believe that service to others provides not only a feeling of pride and accomplishment but aids in spiritual growth.

Devo Divas

Our Devo Divas program is a Daily Devotional commitment provides spiritual nourishment for our souls, keeps us strong in our faith and keeps us aware of God’s movements in our daily lives.
A group daily devotional is not only biblical but helps provide accountability, strength, encouragement, and focus.
This groups mission is to challenge and teach ladies to form a healthy discipline of daily devotionals,  that we can carry throughout our lives and then we can disciple others…
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